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The Rise To A Million Podcast.

Make the transformation from a "Tech" to a "CEO"

Mastermind Q&A

Thursday April 30 2020

In today's episode, Nick addresses 2 questions that we are hearing regularly...

How do I effectively deal with worry?

What should I be doing NOW to plan for the rest of 2020?

Nick will share 10 things that you should be thinking about and doing for your business this year

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Maintenance Agreements - Why Bother?

Tuesday December 3rd 2019

Are you focused on selling Maintenance Agreements in your business?  No? Why the heck not?!

Imagine being able to collect enough residual income every month to be able to pay your bills without even getting out of bed - it’s absolutely possible.

In today’s episode Nick will share with you the reasons why you really need to introduce maintenance agreements into your everyday business plan - you’d be mad not to do this!

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Want To Sell More Maintenance Agreements?

Monday July 1st 2019

Did you know that Maintenance Agreements are ESSENTIAL to the long term success of your business?

Do you know how to craft an awesome Maintenance Agreement? Any idea what the 2 key actions are that you need to take?

Today’s podcast is a replay of a live video training, hosted by Nick, with real-time Q&A from real HVAC business owners.

In today’s episode, Nick will take you through these 2 key steps in detail, so grab your calculator and get started.


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Life Is Short, Eat The Cake - Good Advice Or Bad Advice?

Sunday June 16th 2019

The biggest mindset shift for one of our most successful Clients was this - there is no silver bullet.

In today’s episode, Nick McDonald shares with you the thinking behind Action = Outcome.

Stop wishing for results, and start taking action to get them. Listen and learn people!

 High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business.

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The Four Most Dangerous Words In Business... EVER!

Tuesday June 18th 2019

Successful people operate with open minds, receptive to new ideas.

If you’re not getting the results that you want, if you’re not free to spend the time you want with loved ones, why would you say “I already know that”? - Dangerous huh?

Let Nick tell you why these are the four most dangerous words in business, and how to change your way of thinking, before accepting his 7 day challenge.


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Conflict Resolution Coaching Call

Friday June 21 st 2019

Sometimes in business, there’s conflict between co-workers. After all, we’re only human.

Today’s episode will give you insight into how best you can counsel you and your co-workers from conflict to calm without heightened emotion.


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Client Conversation with Gord Merpaw

Tuesday December 3rd 2019

In today’s episode, Nick talks with Gord from Metropolitan Heating & Air about acquiring a legacy business and knowing how to make the necessary changes to grow and prosper, and reap the rewards.

Gord will tell you how his lights got switched on, and how life is now very different for him and his business partner, Steve.

What was once cashflow problems and daily stress is now quality time with families and mojitos by the beach.

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Client Conversation with Randy Henry

Tuesday December 3rd 2019

This is an interview I did with Randy Henry at Thanksgiving 2018. At the time he had been in our program for a little over nine months.

So this is the story of his transformation last year - he has since this year gone from strength to strength, rebranding, combining other services, and on track to build an eight figure business in the next few years.

He has gone from burned out and wanting to give up, to a super confident businessman.

He has made the transformation from tech, to owner, to CEO thinking.

And it happened in a blink of an eye.

Something that Randy says in this interview is that mindset is everything - once you get that aligned, everything else falls into place.

And he is living proof of this.

We talk all the time about the fact that you are already good enough, you already know enough, and you already have the resources and the connections and the ability to succeed - so you only need to make a few small shifts to change everything.

If you change the way you look at things then the things you look at change.

The reason for sharing Randy’s story with you is to show you what is possible - immediate lasting change.

This is not a flash in the pan temporary improvement based upon some good marketing results off the back of some advertising that made his phone ring and was good only whilst it lasted.

This is a permanent change in thinking that will go with him for the rest of his life as his business evolves.

It is now as natural as blinking and breathing.

He knows his value.

Listen to his story - it is everything you want from your life and business. I know it is.

Randy’s advice - it’s all about mindset first, and knowing your numbers second.

I know he has some massive plans for 2020 and beyond, and I know he is going to smash it.

It is humbling to know that we have played a small part in opening the door of possibility for him so he could walk right through it and take his life and business by the horns and really live!

So congratulations Randy from me and Anthony, yours is a truly inspirational story.

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Client Conversation with Andy Ervin

Tuesday December 3rd 2019

Back in the day - not that far back in the day, but a little while ago - there was a frustrated HVAC business owner called Andy.

Every day, Andy struggled with the challenge of working on his business instead of in his business. He wasn’t seeing the growth he wanted and there were days when he felt like jumping off a cliff.

One day, someone recommended the Foundation Kit to Andy. He got on a call with Nick to find out what it was all about and decided to get on board straight away.

Because of that, Andy got clear very quickly about what he needed to do and he started to work on the areas of his business with the biggest opportunities for change.

He was able to clear out the crap and get the right processes and systems in place that now means he has work booked for weeks in advance and a consistent income.

Today, Andy is on track to do 3x the revenue he did last year, and should finish this year at $3m.

Andy is thinking like a true CEO now, with clarity and focus.

He has stepped away from the edge of the cliff and is now climbing his own mountain of success.

Be more like Andy.

High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business. 


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Client Conversation With Michelle Dammen

Tuesday December 3rd 2019

If you’re ready to learn the importance of mindset and how implementing systems and processes into your business can lead to MASSIVE success, this episode is for you.

Cath is joined by Michelle Dammen, Owner of  Premier Air Heating and Cooling, Montana, USA, who will take you on her journey from having only enough cash in the bank to pay 1 person 1 month’s wages, to running a hugely successful team of Techs and building a lake house for some quality time with the family.

Michelle will share with you how having a coach enabled her to achieve true clarity and focus and continues to do so on a daily basis, how family life is much improved and how the business has grown and keeps growing.

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Untapped Resources

Tuesday December 3rd 2019

Do you really know what resources you have available to help and support your business?

If you knew what you had, it would help to make your goals more achievable, because you would know what opportunities you have to leverage.

Grab a pen and paper and let Nick tell you about some of the untapped resources you probably don’t even realise you have at your fingertips. Write this down, it’s gold dust!

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Growth MAP

Wednesday 23rd October 2019

What do you need to put your Massive Action Plan into place?

You need to “get” 4 things

Pay attention to Nick and he will tell you what they are - it’s not rocket science. 

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Random Acts Of Business

Tuesday October 15th 2019

Are you guilty of throwing money at marketing and promotions without any prior planning? Have you spent money on training or software that you’ve never truly benefited from?

Are you constantly on a hamster wheel in your business, but never really achieving your goals?

You could be guilty of Random Acts of Business.

Random Acts of Business can lead to chaos, as they are symptomatic of poor planning and organisation.

In today’s episode, listen carefully as Nick shares with you the 3 key things you should be doing in your business to avoid these random acts.

Let Nick show you the method of getting from ‘Right Now’ to your goal in a structured way.

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Self Sabotage

Thursday September 19th 2019

How easy do you find it to achieve your goals?

What is holding you back from achieving your goals?

It’s all too easy to blame the external factors around you for not getting what you want, but really, is that the truth?

In today’s episode, Nick will enlighten you on how your personal beliefs can help or hinder you on the path to success.

Be prepared to think big and challenge yourself!


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Content Creation

Wednesday September 11th 2019

Keeping your customers engaged on social media with interesting content is a crucial part of your business. Sometimes, you can feel like your churning out the same old posts again and again.

In today’s episode, Nick shares with you some great ideas to help you create a ‘content timetable’ and make sure that you are a step ahead of your competition with your content creation.

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How To Maximize Your Profits

Thursday September 5th 2019

The truth is that most small business owners tend to focus on getting the sale, often at the cost of profit.

They offer value upon value to clinch the deal, which provides a great service to the Customer, but the reality is that it is hard to maintain that value with no profit.

In today’s blog, Nick shares another golden piece of advice to help you continue to offer outstanding value whilst ensuring that you maximize the profits for your business.

Learn about the ‘Minimum Effective Dose’ and make your business headaches go away.

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Stop Being Screwed By The General Contractor

Thursday July 18th 2019

Most of you will have done work or be planning to do work in the future for General Contractors, right?

Well, before you go any further, listen to this.

In today’s episode, Nick will take through the sequence of 6 golden questions to ask any contractor before agreeing to work with them.

Grab a pen and paper and write this down!!

It will mean that you give away less of your margin if you do!


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Monday July 15th 2019

What are you worth? What is your business worth?

Who sets your pricing? Your Customers? The Market?

NEWSFLASH!  It’s You! 

In today’s episode, Nick takes through how to break through the pricing ceiling and set the right prices for your business.

High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business. 


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Student Interview - A Story Of Stress To Success

Thursday July 11th 2019

If you’re ready to learn how important it is to work ON your business rather than IN your business, to make the changes you need to be successful and, if you want to learn the importance of mindset and how small changes can reap ENORMOUS rewards, this episode is for you.

Nick is joined by Randy Henry, Owner of  Climate Solutions LLC, Colorado Springs, USA, who will take you on his journey from Stress to Success in less than a year, and share with you the importance of having a coach to support you.

Here Are The Show Highlights:

  • Where I was at the beginning ([3:39])
  • What was the game changer? ([6:49])
  • At what point did that mindset shift happen? ([13:33])
  • How well do you know your numbers ([24:06])
  • Are you working harder or smarter? ([25:45])
  • What’s the future for you? ([29:31])
  • The ‘Aha’ Moment ([37:45])


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Wednesday July 10th 2019

Do you recognise any of these issues within your business?

Cashflow, Billing, Sales, Leads, Training, Recruitment

I bet you do…… and I bet they are making you feel overwhelmed and stressed

What is the root cause of these issues… or symptoms?

It’s time to get off the hamster wheel, take some time to think about these symptoms and causes and make a plan to fix these.

In today’s episode, Nick give you some unmissable advice on how to take control of your business and eliminate the overwhelm.

Listen and act!  Otherwise overwhelm will impact not just your business, but your health, your relationships and your life.

Stop working IN your business and start working ON it instead.


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How To Ensure Every Job Turns A Decent Profit

Friday July 5th 2019

Here’s a common problem… You work in a location where you have some BIG competitors with low pricing.

Do you know your numbers well enough to be able to win the jobs in that space?

In today’s episode, Nick shares the 3 BIG ideas for ensuring that every job you price turns a profit for your business.

High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business. 


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An Essential Business Component - Online Reviews

Tuesday July 2nd 2019

Your customers will not trust you until they know you, but how on earth can you make that happen?

Answer, Online Reviews, the key component to making you the business of choice for that next lifetime customer.

In today’s episode, Nick shares with you some mind-blowing statistics about the value of online reviews.

After hearing these, you’d be crazy not to ask your customers to leave you a 5* review.


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The True Cost Of Not Staying Focused

Monday July 1st 2019

Why is Nick feeling sick?

He’s worried about the potential thousands of dollars that you’re not harnessing by ignoring the need for maintenance agreements.

Get your calculator out and work out what this is costing you!

In today’s episode, Nick shares with you some real-life case studies which show the true financial impact for you and your business of having a process in place to sell maintenance agreements from on-demand calls.


High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business. 


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Crafting Your Offer - What Is It You're Actually Selling?

Monday July 1st 2019

Do your customers know what you’re selling? Or are you marketing your business on what you think they want to know?

You are more than just a commodity, more than just a piece of equipment. You are an end to end service, delivering comfort and peace of mind.

In today’s episode Nick will help you focus on the 4 key components you need to craft an expert offer for your customers.

Climb on the sales ladder and think benefit, benefit, benefit!


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How I Made A Venture Capitalist An Extra $1.3m

Thursday June 27th 2019

Do you want to make a BIG shift in the profitability of your business??

Then you need to do some BIG thinking.

Are you ready to look past the obvious and ask better questions?

In today’s episode, Nick takes you through 3 business principles which, when applied properly - ONCE - can make you money again and again and again


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What I’ve Learned From Distressed Businesses

Tuesday June 25th 2019

As you climb the ladder of professional success, remember to consider the key things that can negatively impact your mindset, and ultimately your bottom line.
Today’s episode will tell you more about the 4 ‘C’s that you need to consider for the successof your business.


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The Industry Expert Conundrum

Friday June 14th 2019

Albert Einstein was a mathematician, but we know him as a scientist. He took what he knew from one subject, applied some things he learned from another subject, and achieved miraculous results.

What are your influences? Who are you taking business advice from? Are you open to new ideas?

Today’s episode will show you how expanding your own thinking, stepping away from your industry for advice, and challenging the norm can lead to creative reform for the benefit of you and your business.


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Risk And How To Handle It

Thursday June 6th 2019

Ready for some BIG thinking?

The problem with EVERY business is that it is filled with RISK.

How do you feel about risk? Fearful? Confident?

Do you want to stay on the same business hamster wheel forever because of your fear, or do you want to grow and succeed with confidence?

Your emotional response to fear could already be making that decision for you.

In today’s episode, Nick will show you what the outcomes of both fear and confidence of risk could have on you, your life and your business.



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The Good Vs Bad Cycle

Thursday June 6th 2019

Are you sick of the ‘Good Times, Bad Times’, ‘Feast or Famine’ cycle in your business?

Do you know what to do, you just don’t do what you know?

When things are going well for you, do you stop consistently following your tried and tested business processes?

Remember, “Failures of ignorance we can forgive…….”  “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right” by Atul Gawande.

Today, Nick is going to clear the path and show you how defining your processes and following them consistently will create balance, calm and harmony for you in your business, and in your life.


High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business.  

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The Number One Killer In Business Is Lack Of Clarity

Thursday June 6th 2019

Are you 100% clear on where your business is going?

Why are you in business? What do you want to achieve? When do you want to hit your goals?

NEWSFLASH!  You CAN’T action a goal, but you CAN action a plan.

In today’s episode, Nick will share the mind-blowing power of clarity for you and your business.

Clarity for your desired outcome, why you want it, and how to plan to achieve that desired outcome.

Take action today for a better tomorrow.


High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business.


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Overwhelm And Burn Out - How To Stop The Anxiety And Really Move The Needle

Thursday June 6th 2019

Do you know your business numbers? No? Why not?

Is it fear that’s stopping you really understanding your bottom line? How does that make you feel?

Overwhelm is completely normal, so you are not weird if you feel it. It is also self made through the choices you make everyday.

Priority and sequence is the simple answer.

In today’s episode let Nick give you some clarity and show you that ‘The Only Way Out Is Through’

Start today for a less anxious future.


High Growth Coach.Com provides you with everything you need to be successful in business.  

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