A simple Step By Step Program to confidently grow your service business
Increase your profits, reclaim your time and reduce overwhelm
With the integrity and values you must have to build a solid business that will stand for decades

Are you tired of working hard yet never making the profit you deserve?
Learn how to easily attract, catch and keep more high value long term loyal customers.
Stop chasing your tail working hard and not making real progress, and start growing your biggest asset with a proven methodology so you can have the business and the lifestyle you always wanted.

The Foundation Kit
A fully supported business performance improvement membership program that uses a proven methodology, fundamental business principles and battle tested strategies to help you confidently grow your service business.
"This is not a course. It is a new perspective on business."

The Foundation Kit Program is not...
- This is not a silver bullet that will make you rich by doing nothing. Work and focus are required.
- This is not just some online six week training program, promising you overnight success and leaving you dangling with no support and no results.
- There is no rocket science involved. No need to be a tech genius to make this work for you.
- There is no fluff, padding or excuses. Only high impact battle tested essential business information.
No hype, no exaggerated promises and no falsely inflated prices.
Plus we won't leave you hanging or ignore your requests for help.
We are here because we genuinely want to help you.
You will learn to listen to your business and solve your own problems, applying age old proven strategies that always work.
This is not for you if you are looking to be spoon fed all the answers.
So only join us if you are willing to learn and grow into a well rounded confident business owner.

Are you tired of…
- Working all summer and not having the cash in the bank to show for it - maybe year after year it’s been the same - small steps forwards - never making the jumps you deserve?
- Wearing way too many hats in your business - which means you sweat your nuts off all day serving your customers, and then pull your hair out all night writing invoices and doing admin - whilst your family grows up without you in the next room?
- Just having way too much to do? You know what you need to get done, but not sure where to start? Everything is dependent on something else being in place for it to work properly - but you just don’t have the time to get to it - so you live on a hamster wheel and never feel like you are getting anywhere?
- Not knowing when is the best time to make your first hire, or who to hire, or how to calculate how much you will need to make so you don’t have to lay them off in the shoulder season? In short - being afraid of taking on the responsibility for another family's income - so you end up putting it off until next year - so fear stops you growing?
- Or maybe you can’t attract the right people? That is hard right now. Ask yourself - If you were a journeyman tech in a secure job right now - would you leave your secure job to come and work for your business instead? If the answer is no - then you have work to do before you can grow.
- Is your body giving up on you? Knees are hurting, shoulders and back are creaking, but you have to keep going because you're the Alpha that everyone relies on? If you don’t work, the money stops? If that is the case - you have a badly paid job and not a solid business.
- Or maybe you are sick of the business being constantly on in your head. There is no escaping it. You feel like you are never present in the moment with the ones you love, because maybe you don’t actually have a moment to be present in?
- Or perhaps you have reached a plateau in your business and you are in need of some creative ideas to trigger your next level of growth.

No doubt you have looked for help? Trawled the Facebook groups and forums looking for answers - but discovered it is the blind leading the blind?
You have probably gone straight for a marketing offer because you think you need more phone calls. Perhaps you have sunk a load of your hard earned cash into the promise of leads with some marketing guru - and been left crying into your beer having lost your faith in human kindness?
And maybe you have thought about coaching - but found out that it is not all you thought and sometimes massively overpriced with no guaranteed results.
But you know that if you do nothing - you are facing more of the same pain.
So what is the solution?
The Foundation Kit
by High Growth Coach
The Foundation Kit is a full on accelerated business education and coaching experience to help you succeed in your service business.
If you want to build generational wealth and have a well respected, world class business that will serve your community for decades to come, then following a simple framework and methodology will help you to lay the foundations of a solid business to build confidently upon.

It is a simple step by step proven pathway to success. If you don’t know where to start to improve things in your business, then start with us!

We are all about getting you aligned - your head, your heart and your hands all working together.
First you need Clarity on what you want, where you are right now and what you need to do to achieve your goals.
Then you need to Connect with why you are doing it, with your customers, your team and your community - so that you have the heart and the connection to deliver the results that wow everyone you connect with.
Then finally you need to make it happen - to Convert your strategy and desire into action and get things done in your business that will move the needle for you in a significant way.
If you are tired of hearing “HVAC paid for that!” but have yet to see the results for yourself, then following our simple pathway will help you crack the code for service business success.
So here is the big picture view about how this simple framework can help you….

Watch this short video to see how this all works.

- Having clarity will bring focus and help you get to fully know and understand every aspect of your business, from why you started it in the first place, to learning more about your customers, your community, your team and most importantly about yourself.
- Identify what is working, broken or missing in your business, so you can focus in on only the things that will move the needle for you. In reality, you may only need to make a few small changes to see exponential improvements in your results.
- Imagine having total clarity on your business goals, cash flow, seasonal promotional activity, your profit margins and pricing, what processes you need to improve upon, your total monthly overhead and confidently be tracking your weekly sales and profit performance on a simple business scorecard? Not having clarity on the profitable delivery of your services and no robust financial plan for the next year could be disastrous - don’t let that happen to you.

- Connection is all about understanding your market and your customers and building a business with a heart that will serve your community for decades to come.
- You will learn how to extract the value out of your business and design a process that will effortlessly help you to communicate your value proposition, brand promise and compelling offer and accelerate trust within the community you serve.
- You will be able to confidently raise your prices, increase your average transaction value and sell monthly recurring service agreements with ease.
- As you work through the Eight Business Kits - your step by step pathway to success - you will confidently be building solid foundations of a business that will stand the test of time.
- A big part of this is to work on yourself - your mindset. The CEO Kit is the most important Kit of them all. You will never stop working on yourself once you have completed this Kit.

- Now you have fixed the leaks in your bucket, sorted out your finances, pricing, service delivery processes and perfected your value proposition, now is the time to convert our proven strategies into profit.
- Learn the most effective ways to attract your new ideal customers using both online and offline real world strategies and business principles.
- Understand the fundamentals of marketing so that you never get ripped off by “expert agencies” ever again, and ensure you get every marketing dollar you invest working hard for you.
- Implement our Zero Pressure Sales Model into your business and help your team to convert more sales in a non threatening non salesy way that leaves them feeling good about the service they offer, rather than hating having to chase sales targets and “selling” every customer they meet.
This really is the time you will reap the rewards of the time you have spent to build a solid foundation in your business. You will have more time and keep more profit than you ever thought possible.

There is a fourth step...GROWTH!
Getting these three things aligned really is your Pathway to Growth. Then it is all about scaling - people and strategy. This is covered in the Leadership Kit - how to attract, catch and keep the best talent, how to manage and mitigate risk, improve productivity and grow safely.
For those of you looking for hands on help with this, then look at our Uplevel Mastermind here.
So what exactly is in the Foundation Kit Mastermind Program?
The online program is kept in your Kit Locker that can be accessed 24/7/365. You can apply this simple methodology to each key component of your business, and work through each stage step by step.

There are three stages each containing three phases of growth.
Each phase deals with an essential component of your business, which is broken down and explained in several step by step video courses, that come with tools, worksheets, spreadsheets or resource sheets to guide your understanding and effective implementation into your business.
These foundational programs are underpinned by our Support Kit - real people who have your back and are there for you when you hit a block or need some help. Get your questions answered, and get feedback on your promotional ideas once a week either in the community or if you prefer by a personalised pre recorded video.

Yes. You read that right. Real People!
Experienced people who genuinely care about you and your business because they know what is at stake and how much it means to you.
EVERY MEMBER has access to our coaches for one live one to one strategy and implementation call within their first six months.
It is our purpose to help you succeed, so we want to be there for you, we want to be the company that cares for the little guys and helps nurture them to grow bigger and better. And it is our experience that in order to do this effectively - you need feedback and guidance from real live people!
Support Kit Includes...
Your Support Kit Includes…
One Live Strategy and implementation call 1 to 1 at any time during your membership.
Weekly Q&A sessions to answer ANY business questions you may have. Simply submit your question in the group or via email, and we will post a video response as we get them.
Feedback Friday - get expert critical constructive feedback and ideas on any promotional material you want to run such as leaflets, maintenance agreements, seasonal promotions, postcards, outbounding emails, print advertising etc.
Community Access - 24/7 support from like minded business
Sales Accelerator - separate sales & mindset training program for your team
Accountability Partner Program - reach out to other members on the same journey as you.

Your Pathway To Growth & Freedom
Just a few tools included in The Foundation Kit to help you succeed in your business…
- Step by step process to follow.
- Step by step tutorials.
- Ready made financial spreadsheets to help you get clarity on your numbers fast.
- JFDI Planning & Implementation tool.
- Worksheets to guide you step by step to get to your unique value proposition.
- Cutting edge techniques to help you become more productive, cut through any limiting beliefs and overcome overwhelm.
- High converting real world marketing examples to model.
- Full program to design and sell your maintenance agreements in just a few hours.
- Checklists for online and real world marketing.
- Resource sheets to trigger your creative ideas.
- Zero Pressure Sales System.
- Bullshit detection sheet to prevent you ever getting ripped off by SEO agencies again.
- Cheat Sheets on how to handle Advertising agencies.
- A full five part case study break down of how one of the fasted growing HVAC companies in the US are running their marketing campaigns.
- ...and so much more!!
What Is My Investment To Join The Foundation Kit?
Special Offer Time!
The normal monthly membership is just $175 a month.
But for a limited time we are locking in a fixed price for Founding Members of just $97 a month.
By fixed, what that means is that if you join now, you will never pay more than $97 a month for all the time you remain a member - which is a 45% saving for the lifetime of your membership.
Plus, you can join The Foundation Kit on a trial for a further 50% off and enjoy all the benefits of being a full member including access to the entire program, community and coaches for just...
$49 for the next 30 days.
Here Is How To Activate Your Half Price 30 Day Trial
Click the box below to activate your 30 day trial - you will pay a ONE TIME payment of just $49.
You’ll have immediate access to The Foundation Kit Program, all of the resources, worksheets and video coaching modules with an access all areas pass to the site for the next 30 days - including our Facebook Community where you can get your questions answered in the regular Q&A sessions.
Then after 30 days, and only if you are entirely happy to continue with your membership, we will automatically charge your card for just $97 a month.
This is the lowest price that I have offered Membership for and represents a 45% saving off our normal price.
You Can Cancel Anytime
Here is the best part. Your 30 day half price trial is risk free!
If at any time during the 30 day trial you don’t think The Foundation Kit is for you - for whatever reason - then you can cancel and request a FULL REFUND as part of our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, and you will NEVER be charged again.
You can keep anything you downloaded during your trial membership too, and we will part as friends.
Once you become a member, you can also cancel any time and your monthly membership payment will be stopped immediately.
We have no contracts and you are free to cancel at any time without any obligation or quibble!
You can cancel simply by emailing into us - by replying to any one of our welcome emails - make the subject line CANCELLATION - and we will take care of the rest.
The Foundation Kit has sold in the past for $3,500 as a stand alone program, without the Support Kit now being offered as part of your monthly membership for just $97 a month, which is also a saving of 45%.
I have to be honest - this is a no brainer deal if you are serious about gaining control of your business, making more profits and gaining back your time.
You will learn fundamental business principles and strategies that will change the way you think about your business and your life, and help you finally implement processes and systems to move the needle in your business.
Why Join Now?
Simply put, the longer you wait to get started, the further away any improvement will be for you. Sure, you can spend years searching through YouTube and Facebook groups and forums looking for free information that will no doubt add value to you - but will you get anything actually accomplished?
We call this random acts of business. Lots of learning and unfocussed activity followed by overwhelm and regret, with nothing actually implemented! Stop doing that!
Starting now will give you access to a proven step by step methodology that will lead you through the key stages building the foundations of a solid business that will last for decades.
Having somewhere to start will mean that you will be actually able to start, implement and complete the essential components of a rock solid business, in the right sequence, with expert guidance and a supportive community.
The quicker you start, the quicker you will see results. If you don’t start at all, you may spend your life on a treadmill, miss your family growing up and work yourself into the ground.
Don’t let that be you.
Risk $49 to take the trial, take a look around and join our family.
As Jay Reid from Texas says - it’s the best decision he ever made in his entire life.
Fast Start
You are sitting on a gold mine and you probably don’t know it, and as a result you are maybe looking in the wrong places to find the gold. We explore your resources, opportunities and quick wins.
The Fast Start takes you through a process of understanding where you are right now, exactly what your business goals are, and what you need to do to achieve them. It will help you tune in to opportunity, get crystal clear on your goals and see a clear path to freedom.
Tools include our JFDI Planning and Implementation tool, an opportunity map, fast start online checklist, a little tool to massively accelerate trust and increase conversions in the home, and a simple three step process to clarity.

Numbers Kit
Having a clear understanding of the financial health of your business is vital to your survival. A solid knowledge of your costs and pricing, margins and discounts, costs and expenses - all adds up to ensuring you can deliver your best products and services and still remain profitable.
Not having clarity on this will affect your ability to put you irresistible offer together, to build competitive promotions or to know if you can afford to keep your promises to you customers in the long term.
What about hiring someone, how much you can pay them, or moving premises, or increasing your prices? You truly need to know this stuff if you are going to survive and thrive over the next decade.
This phase includes three thorough spreadsheets to walk step by step through the process of understanding your numbers - from your current costs, how to price effectively, employment costs and budgeting. There is a simple spreadsheet you can use to track your profitability across the month, and even a gross margin checker. All step by step.

Values Kit
Once you know your numbers, then you need to truly tune into your value proposition. What is it exactly that you are selling, and why should anyone buy it from you? These are harder questions than they first appear.
We walk you through Your Bigger Vision - how to build a company with a heart, and help you craft your vision and mission, find your company core values and infinite purpose so you can impact your local community for decades to come.
We help you get clear on your ideal customer - not only who they are but how you can speak to them directly to increase your conversion rates. You build out your guarantees and company promises, and map out your customer journey and sales ladder. There is also a section on better understanding buying psychology and pricing.
This is all building to creating your killer offer and ways to easily communicate your value in a non salesy effortless way - so even your techs feel comfortable doing it.
This whole section is worth the cost of the program on it’s own. Getting clear about why you are special will help you attract new customers and new team members with confidence and authority, and will have a positive impact on your brand and bottom line.

By far the most popular, talked about and revisited section of the entire program. Your thinking and beliefs shape your actions, which in turn shape your results. Especially limiting beliefs.
Our students talk about the importance of mindset all the time, and about the breakthroughs they have experienced in their businesses from overcoming their fears and taking the necessary steps to success. Fear is always present - but are you going to let it stop you or drive you.
Learn some real world strategies and techniques to help you identify what might be holding you back and overcome it.
In this phase - which starts you on your lifelong never ending study of self improvement, we help you increase your productivity, set meaningful goals that you own, manage your inner critic and help you understand how your mind actually works so you can get aligned with what you really want and avoid self sabotage.
There are tools and resources that cover personality profiling, examining your key character traits, understanding your beliefs and values, leveraging intentional identity to get more done with less effort, how to make better decisions and explore second order thinking, as well as the importance of golden time and looking after yourself.
Some big shit in here covered in a simple straightforward no nonsense way to help you build the strong growth mindset required to become the CEO of a thriving business. Beware - cold showers are mandatory - so buckle up.

Conversion Kit
How many customers are you burning because you never answer your phone? Or how many do you lose because you dismiss them as price shoppers? What about following up on sales estimates?
The conversion kit is designed to help you map out and improve your sales and conversion process in more detail. There is a zero pressure sales model, a detailed customer journey to help you identify bottlenecks and leaks in your business and a large section on using questions to sell.
We cover proven simple sales processes, the use of tech and software to increase your conversions and cover many ways you can raise your average transaction values by selling more, more often and have your customers love you for it.

Recurring Revenue Kit
Every service business benefits from building a recurring revenue stream. The aim is to build a monthly income stream that covers your monthly overheads, as this takes the pressure off you in slow months and make cash flow easier and more predictable to manage.
Imagine having all of your costs covered on the first of every month without having to make a single sale? Well this phase walks you step by step through creating, selling and promoting a service agreement that will do just that for you.
There is a proven step by step sales process, templates and ideas on building your agreement as well as promotional ideas to help you actually sell it.
This is something that many owners want to get implemented. Some do, but even fewer find a way to get their techs to sell it for them, or even sell it consistently themselves. Well, do this short impactful program and learn how you can craft a world class service agreement and start selling it consistently within 21 days. Check out our free training for some insight on making this happen.

Loyalty Kit
Capturing the life time value of your customer depends upon retaining them. Creating loyal raving advocates of your business is worth it’s weight in gold because it brings referrals and reviews and repeat business.
In this phase we cover strategies on service recovery, reputation management, how to generate referrals and capture reviews, as well as ideas on long term nurture, following up and some innovative ways to be memorable and support your local community.
This is how brands are built and getting this right will increase the long term value of your business by increasing the reach into the communities you serve.

Marketing Kit
This phase is designed to help you as a business owner get a clear understanding of how marketing actually works, and covers both online and offline marketing strategies.
There is a lot in here. Marketing and advertising is a real skill, so it is our suggestion that in the beginning you outsource this to a specialist. This section of the Foundation Kit will save you a fortune as it gives you the key knowledge along with cheat sheets and training videos to help you effectively manage your providers and never get ripped off by an SEO agency again.
Knowing what a good ad campaign looks like, what are the key components to a high converting website, which type of marketing is more effective - SEO, PPC or Facebook, and what are the essential components of both online and offline marketing you need in place to get your business out there - will save you money and help you get the biggest bang for your buck in ROI on all of your marketing spending.
We have included an in depth study of one of the US’s fastest growing HVAC companies, and pull back the curtain on their marketing strategies across all the major platforms, so that you can see and understand what is working and also what good looks like - so that you can instruct your marketing agency to do the same for you.

Leadership Kit
This section covers People, Productivity, Growth and Business Thinking.
People will be your biggest expense, as well as your biggest source of pain and joy within you business. They do some fabulous things, but also some crazy shit too. Building a team, creating a culture and environment that is inspiring and empowering requires strategic thought and implementation if it is to succeed. Recruitment and retention, training, reviews, work place disputes, disciplinaries - all may be new to you. Get advice, guidance and strategies to help you navigate the people side of your business.
There are student interviews in this section that talk about their journey which are inspiring as well as enlightening. Mitigating risk, confidence, bottlenecks, managing focus and productivity - all discussed and covered in this ever growing section to help equip you to lead your business and become an inspiring CEO

What Our Members are saying…

This is not for...
- Anyone who does not want to put in the effort to regain control of their business.
- If all you are interested in is the money, then we don’t want to work with you.
- If you think you can quickly get to a place where you are only working a few hours a week but end up rolling in cash, then you are deluded and this won’t be something you are going to like very much.
- If you expect someone else to take ownership and do the work for you then leave now.
- If you are looking for copy cat cookie cutter templates and swipe files, that you think you can easily deploy and get working without thinking, then this is also not for you.
- And finally, do not buy this program if you do not have a strong long term desire to work tirelessly on improving your business.

The Foundation Kit is most definitely for you if…
- You want to get off the tools so you can build wealth in your business.
- You are looking for ideas and support in your business, but not sure how to find them.
- Feel overwhelmed or frustrated that you are not reaching your full potential.
- Interested in business coaching but not sure if you can afford the investment.
- Not sure how coaching works or what impact it will have on you and your business.
- You are committed to the long term future of your business, and willing to challenge your current thinking to uplevel your life.
- You are looking for a richer work life balance.

Our purpose is to help you succeed. Simple.
Our fundamental belief is that you are already good enough and already have everything you need to succeed in business.
Any changes you need to make will be small, and you have the skills and courage to adapt and implement new strategies into your business quickly to start seeing results.
We believe that every business owner, no matter how big or how small, deserves every chance possible to succeed. Many can’t afford an expensive business education or over priced coaches, and so miss out on the chance to walk their own path and live the life they deserve because they are stuck in trial and error, working things out and moving forward slowly.
This is why we have spent a lifetime building this program. It is worth tens of thousands of dollars, but instead we are selling it for just $100 a month, because we want to get it into the hands of those who will benefit the most from what is inside.
Our Infinite Purpose is to create increasing opportunities for love and laughter around the world.

If we can help you in some small way feel more confident and in control of your business, then you will in turn have more time, energy and focus for the ones you love, be present in the moment with them, and feel better about yourself and the impact you are having on your world.
In turn, the workplace you run will provide more certainty and happiness for your team, who will be more relaxed and so they too will have more space and time for their relationships. And this will ultimately mean that you will reach and serve more customers, giving them peace of mind with your great service.
All of this addresses the stresses and pains placed on the families of small business owners. So if we can help you in just a small way to regain control of your business, then it will be mission accomplished for High Growth Coach.
And that is the purpose that drives us.
Double Your Money Back.
If you don’t fail this program, this program won’t fail you.
If you put in the work, attend your call, complete the worksheets, engage with the community, get your questions answered - in short fully commit to this program and do the things suggested in this program, and you still do not get a return on your investment within three months of joining up, then we will give you double your money back!
That is how confident we are that this will work for you. But you must do the work.
So we are guaranteeing your investment.
30 Day money back guarantee.
If you sign up and just don’t like what you see, for whatever reason, then we will refund your initial investment, no questions asked.
No contracts - ever.
You can cancel anytime from right inside your account.

So what are you going to do?

Risk a small investment of just $100 a month to gain access to the highest return on investment program in the industry? Take the chance on regaining control of your business, growing your sales and improving your profits?
It won’t make any difference to me financially if you sign up or not. $100 a month is not a lot of money. But it will make a massive difference to you.
What if it actually works for you? What if you get similar results to all the other people you have seen on video and read their reviews and comments on this website? If you don’t give it a go, you will never know.
Ask yourself if this is something you need right now to accelerate your business growth and transform your “job” into a powerful growing asset that provides for the lifestyle you have dreamed of for decades to come. Is this the starting point for real change right here?
We work on the principle of Minimum Effective Dose. You just get what you need to gain control and get ahead. The critical components to get started, make that shift you have been looking for and blast through your frustrations to lasting success.
There are no bullshit bonuses or padded out content to look like you get more for your money to make you buy - because we don’t have any.
There is only meat and focused practical exercises to transform yourself and your business.
Other courses give you too much detail and too much theory, and overload you with stuff that quite frankly you don’t need to know and you will never end up doing.
We are about getting shit done. Focussed on outcome not activity. Implementation, execution and measurable results.
We are there for you when you need help because we actually give a shit about you and your business - because it supports your family, and they need you to deliver. We get that.
Don’t muck about anymore. This is a no brainer low risk high value offer and opportunity to learn how to transform your business into a focussed money making machine with the integrity and values you must have to stay in business and serve your customers for the long term.
You learn this stuff once. You put it into action in your business. You get results. You then improve your execution and your performance improves exponentially over time.
What do you intend to do?
What Our Members are saying…