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Come Out Of Lockdown With A Bang!


Two big questions answered here - how do I effectively handle worry?  Plus, what should I be doing right now to prepare for the rest of 2020?

So, this was a session I put together for our clients, but we have received a lot of good feedback about it that we wanted to share it with you too.

We are in tough and uncertain times, so taking decisive action, looking after our own mental health and focussing on innovation in our business can only be a good thing.

I truly hope this helps you.

If videos are not your thing, then we made this into a podcast too that you can listen to here

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COVID 19 HVAC Business Continuity

COVID 19 HVAC Business Continuity 

This is some initial thinking to help HVAC and Plumbing home services companies see it through the uncertainty that COVID 19 has brought to the World.

Right Now 

  • Your Line Of Credit -  People are worried, the global economy is closing down, debt is likely to skyrocket, and so banks and lenders are nervous, despite the promise of massive government assistance.

Many contractors have reported that their line of credit has been slashed by half or more.  Contact your supply house, bank, credit card to investigate this for you and your business. For now, you want to keep as much cash in your business as you can, and if you have been living off recurring credit that may about to be slashed, then you need to know about it quickly and make decisions about how much and what to paydown.

  • Get Financial Support -  You can go here to find out more about business support loans from your government ...
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