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Intentional Identity


Intentional identity - what is that?

As you grow your business to reach your goals, then you will experience a personal transformation.  It takes a different kind of person to run a $250,000 a year business than it does to run a $25 million business.  But often it is the same person!

Transformation like this can sometimes be hard, it takes us outside of our comfort zone, and we have to push ourselves to do new things and be ready to learn from our mistakes.

It requires a shift in identity of who we are and in what we see ourselves capable of doing. otherwise we are in danger of self sabotage.

Intentional identity is taking back control of our unconscious choices to deliberately push though our comfort zone to get what we truly want, and this little fun exercise is a big step into making this transformation less painful and more permanent.

This is another module taken directly out of our Uplevel Mastermind program.  Our members are coached and guided through all of...

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