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Imagine your life has suddenly ended.  It just happened right this very second.  There was no warning, no time for goodbyes or anything at all.  It was just one of those things - in an instant you were wiped out unexpectedly.

You were once alive and living on this planet, but somehow now you are no longer here.

No matter how much you were loved, life will go on without you.  The world will keep turning and there is nothing more you can do.  You have left your life exactly as it was a few seconds ago before you started reading this.

As you are now dead, here are three questions to ask yourself… Take a minute to consider each one, one at a time….

1 What did you truly love about the life you have just lost?

2 Do you have any regrets about your life?

3 If you were given just one more chance - what would you do?



It's too late now though - remember you have just died and left your life exactly as you were previously living it.



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