Everyone I know loves to buy stuff. My wife loves to buy stuff. My kids, my business partner, my neighbours, my friends.
Everybody has stuff in their house or home that they wanted and went out and bought. Buying stuff we want is not a problem for any of us.
If you won the lottery today - how much shit would you buy tomorrow? Some people have even planned it all out just in case they get lucky.
Imagine just booking a vacation? We love to sift and sought through what is available - that is part of the experience. What we really want, where to go and where to stay. We are mindful of the price, but in general we can’t wait to get it paid off because we want the vacation!
It is not just buying stuff we want we like doing. Buying stuff we need is also not a problem. You need a new car - you sort it out and get one. You need kids school shoes - you make the trip and come back with some. Your printer breaks - no problem - you go straight on...
“How does having a business plan and a strategy help you run your business anyway? Isn’t that just for city slickers or bigger businesses? This is the real world here - I am way too busy for that shit.”
This is a very common view of strategy and planning from the average business owner. And it is heartbreaking.
Here are some interesting questions that every business owner needs to consider…
Whatever business you are in currently, or trying to get in to, you will encounter other people. How you connect with the people around you will directly determine your level of success.
An important lesson I learned from a much younger colleague of mine some years ago is this..
"It doesn't matter how you feel about them - what matters is how they make you feel."
He went on to say "If they are not bringing you love and laughter, hope and inspiration or contributing to your personal growth or uplifting your spirit in some way, then why do you allow them to stay in your life?"
As simple as that one is, it had a truly profound effect on me, and as a result I actually cut some people out of my life - (including my now ex - wife).
But thinking about this in another way has really changed my thinking and enriched my relationships with the people around me.
Instead of considering this from my own personal point of view, I realised that every other person is thinking this as...
Imagine your life has suddenly ended. It just happened right this very second. There was no warning, no time for goodbyes or anything at all. It was just one of those things - in an instant you were wiped out unexpectedly.
You were once alive and living on this planet, but somehow now you are no longer here.
No matter how much you were loved, life will go on without you. The world will keep turning and there is nothing more you can do. You have left your life exactly as it was a few seconds ago before you started reading this.
As you are now dead, here are three questions to ask yourself… Take a minute to consider each one, one at a time….
1 What did you truly love about the life you have just lost?
2 Do you have any regrets about your life?
3 If you were given just one more chance - what would you do?
It's too late now though - remember you have just died and left your life exactly as you were previously living it.
How many people got into business because they wanted more freedom? Everyone!
How many people who are now in business actually have more freedom? Very few!
Why is that? Well - the ability to manage the balance of working ON your business rather than IN your business comes down to a level of clarity you have on why you are doing it in the first place. Your bigger vision. Your purpose.
If you are measuring how busy you are by the number of hours you work - or by how much activity you are involved with, then you are probably missing the bigger picture, and will spend your working life on a hamster wheel needing more hours in the day, and more days in the week in order to actually grow your business.
So many business owners think that everything in their business needs to be done "their way". Because of this, they wear all the hats. Because they wear all the hats, they do stuff that they are no good at because it falls outside of their core skills. Because of this - they end up on a...
Here at High Growth Coach we are asked all the time about Adwords and advertsing generally - so we have done a short video series that gives you the ins and outs of things to consider before you start to advertise your HVAC service business.
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